Missing birth record

Discussions about genealogy. Questions, searches, interesting links etc.
Viestit: 69
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Missing birth record

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 20.04.2023 04:08

I seem to have a lot of questions but I am trying my best to understand these records.
I am unable to find my great-great-great grandmother’s birth record. I have looked three years in each direction but I can’t find it in the birth records. Why would a birth not be recorded? Is there anywhere else it might be?
On the attached communion record, she is listed on line 9 - Ulrika born December 6, 1809 (my birthday is also December 6th :D). Her siblings, mother and stepfather are in the family.
Thank you,
https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_ ... 486&pnum=8

Viestit: 649
Liittynyt: 07.09.2014 17:23
Paikkakunta: Porvoo

Re: Missing birth record

Viesti Kirjoittaja tuulacu » 20.04.2023 11:57

Sometimes the birth records are missing. They say that the vicar wrote the names and dates on a piece of paper, put them in his pocket - and sometimes some pieces were lost that way. They did not correct the records afterwards, just added the "new" child in the communion book.
That addition should have been in the earlier CB https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_ ... 9&pnum=102 but is not aas the children under the age of confirmation were not so important...

Now that I see that you have the name Skrabb and Alajärvi in your research, I suspect you are (like me and MANY others) a member of Keisari family.
The family name is this group is "Vilppu Keisarin suku" and most of the people that have relatives in Järviseutu (Lake area of Lappajärvi and surroundings) or Perhonjokilaakso (more north, Kokkola level) are in that family. https://www.keisarinsukuseura.fi/keisarifamily.html I thought you might be interested as there are so many books printed of this big family (at least 5 and a digital book will be renewed soon). There will be a family meeting in Ähtäri on August the 5th this year. These meetings have been rare because of the pandemic.
You can join the FB group https://www.facebook.com/groups/6869364074 and ask for more information on the family and on the meeting. There has been discussion in English there, too.

Tuula K
(your birthday is also our Independence Day, you surely have noticed?)

Viestit: 2448
Liittynyt: 03.11.2006 01:04
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: Missing birth record

Viesti Kirjoittaja JaskaS » 20.04.2023 12:08

When details at the time of christening were temporarily written down to some paper, errors in names appeared, when later recorded to the book. Or complete omissions, if he notes were lost for some reason. It's only human.
That's why genealogy researchers need to follow all he records available, as you apparently have done. Too often beginners pick some birth that is close to the later records.
There is no doubt that Ulrica belongs to the family of Greta and her first husband, as otherwise listed in HisKi:
*28.10.1795 1.11.1795 Alaj. Skrabb Eric Johansson Margeta Ericsdr. Maria
*27.2.1798 28.2.1798 Alaj. Skrabb Eric Joh:s. Greta Ersdr. Henric
*10.8.1799 16.8.1799 Alaj. Skrabb Eric Johansson Greta Ersdr. Johan
*28.9.1800 5.10.1800 Alaj. Skrabb Eric Johansson Greta Ersdr. Susan:a
*21.3.1803 25.3.1803 Alaj. Skrabb Eric Joh:son Greta Ersdr. Eric
*8.6.1804 10.6.1804 Alaj. Skrabb Eric Johanss. Greta Ersdr Johan
*9.6.1805 10.6.1805 Alaj. Skrabb Eric Johss. Greta Ersdr Jacob
*28.7.1806 3.8.1806 Alaj. Njemitalo Erik Johans. Greta Eriksd Mats
*7.6.1808 12.6.1808 Alaj. Niemitalå Eric Johs. Greta Ersd Gustaf
*14.10.1811 20.10.1811 Alaj. Njemitalå Eric Johs. Greta Ersd Anders
*16.12.1812 20.12.1812 Alaj. Skrabb Eric Johs. Greta Ersd Helena
*10.7.1814 10.7.1814 Alaj. Skrabb Eric Johs. Marg. Eriksd Eric

:) Jaska

P:S. Tuula K already replied while I was typing.

Viestit: 410
Liittynyt: 31.01.2013 08:56

Re: Missing birth record

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kimpula » 20.04.2023 15:51

In addition to what Tuula and Jaska have said, there was the Finnish War of 1808-1809

Although the war ended in September 1809, before the war Alajärvi was in Sweden and after the war in Russia, so things may have been a little bit confused in December 1809.

Viestit: 69
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Re: Missing birth record

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 20.04.2023 17:40

Thank you. This is very interesting.
I am working on a document for my children and grandchildren about our Finnish heritage. If I do not do it, it might never get done. I have memories and stories from my Finnish grandmother that I want to preserve. I have completed the section on my great-grandparent’s immigration to the United States - first to Houghton, MI, then to Duluth, MN and finally to Maple, WI where they received 80 acres of land through the Homestead Act. I am now working on their lives in Finland trying to go back a couple of generations. It is definitely a learning curve when it comes to the Finnish records.
Thank you for all of your help. It is greatly appreciated.
This might be a duplicate post as the initial post seems to have not worked.

Viestit: 69
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Re: Missing birth record

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 18.10.2023 16:46

Tuula K,

Thank you for the information about the Facebook group. It took me awhile but I figured out that I am part of that family!


Vastaa Viestiin