swedish map names

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Viestit: 1
Liittynyt: 15.08.2018 06:51

swedish map names

Viesti Kirjoittaja laaja » 23.08.2018 05:07

I am looking at a Moving Record/Muuttokirjoja 1777-1811 for an ancestor from Paskunda who married at St Carins/Kaarina neat Abo/Turku in December 1803. I cannot find Paskunda zooming in on my map on https://asiointi.maanmittauslaitos.fi/karttapaikka/. Is it possible it is a Swedish word as the husband's address was 'from Tammerfors'/ Tampere? There are no records available for Paskunda in the Church Records section of either Kaarina or Turun (which I assume is Turku).

Viestit: 2448
Liittynyt: 03.11.2006 01:04
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: swedish map names

Viesti Kirjoittaja JaskaS » 23.08.2018 10:10

SSHY member pages have available records for Kaarina, including Paskunda (later Finnish spelling Paaskunta):
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/j ... 01&pnum=24
If you are not a member, you find the same from NA site: http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=5195988
There is Anna Johansdotter b. 24/12 1783 with note: Tammerf 1803
You can search https://en-dot-digihakemisto.appspot.com/ for records on National Archives.

The only reference to the name in modern map seems to be a street address Paaskunnankatu in Turku.

:) Jaska

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: swedish map names

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 04.10.2018 19:00

Jaska, I was looking at my posts and found one among them that is not mine - this one. It's from laaja. Thought you should know in case they are waiting for an answer. Here is what my screen looks like
My posts under name of Katie.JPG
My posts under name of Katie.JPG (105.56 KiB) Katsottu 7468 kertaa

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